Order your dedicated Server with Linux or Windows now.
The dedicated servers from webtropia.com are suitable for both Linux and Windows. Regardless of whether the Linux or Windows operating system is used, the root servers from webtropia.com are available with either operating system.
Need a Dedicated Server with CentOS, Debian or openSUSE? Wenn Sie sich einen Dedicated Server mit Linux mieten möchten, haben Sie die Wahl aus den aktuellsten und beliebtesten Linux Distributionen.
If you wish to lease a dedicated server with Linux, you can choose from the latest and most popular Linux distributions. Most dedicated root servers run on Linux, an open-source alternative, because Windows operating systems are very expensive due to the licensing fees. Because of the open source code, hosting providers can offer root servers with Linux very affordably. At webtropia.com you will receive free installation of the operating system, which is available in various distributions. The term Linux distribution denotes a collection of programs that facilitate the communication between you and the hardware. The choices available include, e.g. CentOS, Debian, AlmaLinux and Ubuntu in the latest versions. The distributions vary according to the applications included and the time frame of new updates or versions.
In addition, they utilize differing tools to help you manage the software in the systems. Subsequently, webtropia.com allows you the opportunity to switch between Linux distributions on the root server.
Decide now for Ubuntu Dedicated Server and take advantage of the ease of use as well as the friendly and helpful community of Ubuntu.
AlmaLinux is a community-centric, open source enterprise class Linux distribution. Sponsored by CloudLinux Inc, AlmaLinux offers constant updates and features.
CloudLinuxOS is an operating system based on CentOS and a modified OpenVZ kernel. Specially adapted to run shared hosting with even better performance.
Rent your dedicated root server with Windows operating system at favourable conditions. The Dedicated Root Servers can be ordered with Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 or the new Windows Server 2022 SE.
You can easily install, manage and edit new programs and services on your server. Windows Server 2016 ,Windows Server 2019 as well as Windows Server 2022 SE are recommended for admins with a preference for Windows.
The operating systems Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022 SE are available to all dedicated servers from 28.00 € per month.
Our dedicated servers are now available for rent with the new Windows Server 2016 operating system. The Windows licence is available from €28.00 per month.
Get your dedicated server with Windows Server 2019. The Windows licence is available from €28.00 per month.
The dedicated server is also available with Windows Server 2022 SE to rent. The Windows licence is available from €28.00 per month.
Order your dedicated Server with Linux or Windows now.
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